Monday, July 16, 2012

Team Beachbody

I mentioned a couple months back that I decided to become a Team Beachbody coach. Here's where I'm at thus far:

I've completed the TurboJam first month challenge. The second month was harder, not because of the work but because I had a lot of health issues crop up again. I've managed to keep my blood sugar largely under control though and I exercise when I can. I've had multiple sinus infections, and now I'm battling a nasty stomach virus. I exercise every day I can. I really enjoy the TurboJam program. Chalene, the trainer, is fun and bouncy while remaining encouraging instead of annoying. Each exercise program is a challenge, not so much that I can't keep up BUT I'm positively dripping with sweat each time I finish. I wholeheartedly recommend it and am looking forward to trying other exercise programs as well.

I have fallen a bit off the Shakeology bandwagon. I was really excited to try all three flavors. I have. My personal, brief opinions are... the chocolate is great, I really like it. Very palatable. The green berry is FUNKY and I want nothing to do with it (others seem to love it though). The strawberry has great flavor but I can't get rid of the powdery / grittiness to it, and that makes it really hard for me to drink. I'm going to continue experimenting and will test out different methods and recipes. I'll probably largely stick to the chocolate for myself though. is a great resource. I don't use it as often as I should (daily!) but it's great for tracking your exercise and for meeting folks doing the same programs and encouraging each other. What I really like about it is the meal plans - I followed their plan for a good month and almost never had a bad meal. It makes the calorie counting part of my lifestyle very easy. If you'd like to join (the basic membership is FREE), head over to my page, sign up, and friend me!

Overall I'm enjoying the company so far and am looking forward to running future challenge groups and fit clubs. I created a Facebook page for my business, please go over and 'like' it. I'll share information on products, specials, challenges, and also post encouraging pictures, quotes, and articles.

If you are interested in trying Shakeology, here's my web link:

If you are interested in purchasing any of our programs, here's my web link:

Let me know if you have any questions or requests for future posts about the company!

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